Face Finder - AI Face Detection

Face Finder utilizes machine learning to detect human presences in online images.
What Is It
Face Finder utilizes a machine learning API to detect faces in online images, connecting to a user database with records in a PostgreSQL database through Node and Express. This project is optimized on desktop or tablet viewports.
Why Did I Build This
This project was built as a part of pursuing my Complete Web Developer online certification with the Zero to Mastery Academy. I wanted to challenge myself in building a deployed fullstack application from scratch, while utilizing third party resources and services.
What Tools Did I Use
Some of the tech used in this app includes:
- React on the frontend user interface.
- A backend utilizing Node, Express, Knex, PostgreSQL.
- A machine learning Clarifai API to detect human faces.
With this project, machine learning results are analyzed in realtimne and presented to the user. The functionality of the API usage interacts with the cloud PostgreSQL database through a database ORM software to store a user's interactions with the application. There is also users stored in the database with create account and login functionality on the frontend.
Lessons Learned
Ensuring efficient database schema design while normalizing data is essential to an efficient project including CRUD operations. Best-practices were learned and followed with regards to utilizing a cloud database hosted on a cloud server with a connected frontend client facing application.